Monday, May 21, 2007

Jimmy Carter Is Right

Former President Jimmy Carter is today backing off his scathing criticism of the Bush Administration. In the Saturday article in the Arkansas-Democrat Gazette, he said that the Bush Administration was the worst in history for international relations. Today he said those remarks were careless.

I am in Brazil on vacation and I believe that what President Carter has said is the view of most of the worlds people. In my brief conversations with Brazilians, they have told me how much they hate President Bush. They have called him a killer, an idiot, a tyrant and the most dangerous man on earth. They have a real fear of him and are reluctant to have their government sign any trade agreements.

Brazilians have a long history of loving all things American. The movie theaters are filled with American movies, the malls filled with American products yet they distrust America and loathe President Bush. Anti-Americanism is high throughout South America and has contributed to the rise of leftist governments in Venezuela and Bolivia. Since President Bush started the Iraq War, I have seen firsthand the decline in the view of America.

Jimmy Carter is being diplomatic when he says his remarks were careless but a majority of the world shares that view. The image of America has been destroyed by the Bush Administration and made our nation less safe as a result.


Anonymous said...

Jimmy Carter is a demented ex president who has nothing to say . He sounds confused because he is and you should know better. Who cares about how brazilians think about americans? Are we suppose to be worried about third world countries? Besides , are you American? God help us.

Anonymous said...

Agreed. I thought this site would be much more Republican-oriented being that the blogger seems to favor Lou Dobbs.

Jeff said...

I do not favor Lou Dobbs. I understand his position and think we need to look at all sides of the issue. I believe in closed borders but I also believe in a path to citizenship. I believe Employers that hire undocumented workers are the major problem, not the workers themselves.